During the construction of the Westlake Center in Seattle, WA in 1988 Samuel stayed a constant presence on the construction site documenting the work of this 25 story shopping center and office complex to ensure to completely document the work done by the contractors in order to help them secure future work in the hard construction climate of the 80’s.

Project Documentation and Promotion Service

Everyone Else is Showing Their Work. Why Aren’t You?

Your company does great work but no one knows about it because they just don’t see it. Your website has a few pictures and your social media pages have some crudely taken shots but nothing really shows all you can do. Its time to Show Your Work and let the world know what you can do. I can properly photograph and video your work and publish it so your potential customers can see your capability and trust you with their projects.


This is the most important part of the whole project documentation and promotion service, the documentation! I will come out to your location or job site and do professional photography and video (including aerial footage) of your work being doing (or of your completed work). I will then enhance the photos I take to make them more appealing to potential clients. I will also enhance the videos that I take as well as make an entertaining to watch video of your ongoing or completed work.

We Photograph and Video Your Project(s)

The obvious benefit of this element of the service is that it gets you professional images and videos to show off the work that your company does so that potential customers can see the quality of your work and your capability and will more than likely trust you with their project.

Go Ahead and Get Started

So How Does This Work??

Simply choose if you want me to come and document your work every month or if you just need me to come a specific amount of times.

Website Posting

Getting the professional pictures and videos up on your website should be the logical next step in the process of Showing Your Work! Your website should be the cornerstone of your marketing efforts and should always have all of your documented works on it and always be kept up to date with everything that you are doing. With this element of the service I will not only post the pictures and videos on your website, but I will create engaging website project pages that are keyword rich for SEO. These pages will be creative and beautiful and will be engineered to engage the potential client in order to educate them on the quality of work that you do as well as your capability.

We Will Post Your Project Updates To Your Site

This elements does several things that are beneficial to your company. Firstly it gives your website a constant stream of fresh content which will help it rank better in search engines. It will also give you optimized pages that will help you get found easier in searches of potential clients. Finally it gives your website more content for people to look at, watch, and read which will keep them on your website longer. This will give them trust of your company as well as boost your search engine rankings.

Go Ahead and Get Started

So How Does This Work??

Simply choose if you want me to come and document your work every month or if you just need me to come a specific amount of times.

Social Promotion

So you have great looking images of your work and entertaining videos and you have them up on your website, what next? With this element of the service I will take the images and videos and create a series of posts that will be posted over the course of a week or month on your social media pages. I will also create professional emails showcasing your work and send them out to your subscribers so they can stay updated on what you are doing.

We Will Post Your Updates To Your Social Media Channels

The benefit of this element of the service is very simple. It takes the great images and videos and serves them up to the world so they can understand the good work your company does. It will build notoriety for your business in your community and it will greatly increase your presence on the internet. This is a all hands on deck approach to getting your business name everywhere it needs to be by flooding the internet with all the work that you are doing.

Go Ahead and Get Started

So How Does This Work??

Simply choose if you want me to come and document your work every month or if you just need me to come a specific amount of times.

Interested In This Service But Want More Information?

Are you interested but you just want some more information on how this all works? Well you can request contact from Samuel Jackson. Just let him know if you want to email, text, or just cut to the chase and have a phone conversation. Simply click the button below to request contact and your submitted request will be considered for follow up. You are important to us and everything possible will be done to contact you in an timely manner.

Benefits of This Service

The Real Reasons You Need This

Show Capability

You want your potential customers to be able to see all that you have done, are doing, and can do. They will not hire you if they cannot see some completed jobs and trust that you have the ability to do the job right.

Get Discovered

Continually updates to your website and social media channels are good for helping you get discovered by search engines. Your SEO will get a significant boost from all of the content that will be flooding the internet.

Boost Morale

It can boost company morale when your employees are featured on your website and social media channels as they are doing the work. It will make them feel appreciated and give them a sense of ownership of what they are doing.

Look Professional

A website that is full of project updates will feel more full and complete. This will make your company seem more establish, professional, and trustworthy to potential customers.

Get Started Showing Your Work


Sign up for documentation of your projects including professional photography and video.

Website Posting

Sign up for creation and posting of project update pages which are engaging and search engine optimized.

Social Promotion

Sign up for posting of updates to social media channels and email updates to subscribers.

Purchase A Monthly Service Plan

Choose A Set Number of Project Updates Per Month

Taking Professional Pictures and Videos of Your Project(s)

Show Your Work Service Monthly

Or Purchase Service Elements For One Time Use

Don’t Need Monthly Project Updates? Just Purchase The Services As You Need Them.

Taking Professional Pictures and Videos of Your Project(s)

Show Your Work Service Single

Photographing, filming, enhancing images and videos, making project video, making project webpage, and creating a series of post about project update on social media channels for a specific number of projects each month. Number can be adjusted each month if needed.
